科罗拉多大学丹佛分校(University of Colorado, Denver,简称CU Denver)是科罗拉多州一所中等大小的综合性公立研究型大学,是科罗拉多州大学系统3名成员之一。学校成立于1912年,位于美国科罗拉多首府丹佛市,提供本科、硕士、博士三种学位类型。丹佛分校拥有两个校区,一个是地处丹佛市中心的奥拉瑞亚校区(Auraria Campus),另一个是位于邻近城市奥罗拉的安舒茨医学校区(Anschutz Medical Campus)。
申请点评 地理位置方面,科罗拉多大学丹佛分校所在的丹佛市,是科罗拉多州的首府兼最大城市,整个丹佛大都会去人口有200多万,是美国第23大都会区,有着美国国内面积最大的机场。就产业来讲,科罗拉多以地质学和地理学相关产业最为吃香——但请注意,这两个产业本身就是小众产业。
1.Health & Safety: The students, staff, and faculty of CU Denver, for the most part, seem to take safety very seriously and really look out for each other. There are many awareness workshops and events involving a multitude of safety aspects, including sexual assault and arriving home safely after going out to get drunk. There is a campus police building which houses friendly officers that are readily available and even provide escort in the wee hours of the night if you request it.
2. Scholarships: The financial aid office is usually pretty busy at the beginning of the school year, and although I have not had problems in the past, this semester I am cutting it close for getting my loan approved through the school. Generally, they are very easy to work with, though.
3. Majors: As a music business and singer/songwriter major, the process of getting into my programs involved an audition. The audition included a few of my original songs as well as some technical demonstrations. The auditors are looking more for potential and dedication than perfection (since you haven't even gone to school yet), so if you're auditioning and make a mistake, don't be hard on yourself- you could still get in!
4. Off-Campus Dining: The restaurants around downtown Denver are a variety of assorted local restaurants and chains. The local restaurants happen to be the best and offer a real sense of culture.
5. Local Area: Denver is incredible and I have never been happier than when I moved here. Living in the city, there is always something to do and I never find myself bored. I go to class walking distance from two amusement parks, a few major sporting venues, and countless music venues. All students get a free public transportation pass, and there are trains or buses that can take you to nature-y locations conveniently and quickly, including a variety of hiking trails and rivers. Red Rocks Amphitheatre is one of the best things nearby. It is a beautiful venue that won Pollstar's award for best outdoor music venue 11 times in a row, which led to them pulling them from the competition and renaming the honour the "Red Rocks Award". Denver is like living in a post card. It is the city of dreams.